Thinking about purchasing an air purifier? When deciding which air purifier to purchase, you may have noticed that most purifiers include HEPA filters. HEPA filters are commonly used, making its availability a crucial consideration for consumers looking for an air purifier. However, they may not be as pure as you believe." These conventional heroes could be concealing a dark truth. uBreathe air purifiers took the approach of decreasing the utilization of HEPA filters.
Here's why you need to rethink your air-cleaning strategy and switch to uBreathe Air purifier for a better AQI: something you might not know: "HEPA filters, the golden standard in air purification

uBreathe follows "Sustainable Approach":
uBreathe follows the approach of reduced HEPA filters. uBreathe asserts the idea that a sustainable environment is not just a moral imperative but a social necessity. HEPA filters are not sustainable for the environment. Their limited recycling options and challenging degradation process turn them into ecological hazards. Moreover, the collected pollutants within the filters exacerbate the environmental strain.
uBreathe's Comprehensive Purification Prowess:
The use of ionizers in uBreathe air purifiers ensures the proper removal of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs). However, HEPA filters are not efficient in eradicating TVOCs.
The reason HEPA filters don't remove TVOCs is that TVOCs are composed of small gaseous molecules that can easily pass through the filter media of HEPA filters. HEPA filters work by trapping solid particles on a dense fibrous material, but their pores are too large to capture gaseous molecules like TVOCs effectively.
With uBreathe, you can say adios to recurring expenses:
HEPA filters are a recurring expense since they are supposed to be replaced every few months. The time of replacement is affected by a lot of factors like the size of the filter, the area it covers, the environment in which it is used, etc. However, uBreathe has reduced the use of HEPA filters in its air purifiers because ionizers are more cost-effective in the long term because of the lack of filters, unlike HEPA which need regular replacing.
Prevents the growth of Mold and Bacteria:
Improper maintenance of HEPA filters can lead to the growth of Mold or bacteria on the surface of the filter. This usually happens when the filter becomes wet or if it is not replaced regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, uBreathe’s reduced HEPA filters prevent this problem.
Energy Efficient unlike HEPA filters:
HEPA filter structure limits the airflow, making Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning systems (HVAC) work harder to stabilize the temperature. This leads to increased use of energy. uBreathe products consume less energy compared to traditional HEPA filtration systems, because of their innovative design and energy-efficient operation.

Finally, we are in a position where air pollution is a looming concern. It requires societal cooperation to tackle the worsening AQI. However, we can use air purifiers to ensure improved indoor air quality. It is strongly advised to use air purifiers in urban environments, particularly in metropolitan cities. Nevertheless, there are several additional issues and environmental risks associated with using HEPA filters in air purifiers.

"Since uBreathe follows the approach of reduced HEPA filters, it is a more economical, environment-friendly, and sustainable air purifier. If you are looking to enhance indoor air quality, there's no better time to switch to uBreathe's air purifier."